
39 个旋風斯巴達Gatchaspartan 点子

2016年5月22日- 旋風小飛俠:旋風斯巴達|5 連合體作戰|Gatchaman Fighter|Gatchaspartan|DXポピニカ5連合体作戦|科学忍者隊ガッチャマンF:ガッチャスパルタン|神勇飛鷹 ...

Gatchaman Fighter

Gatchaman Fighter or Gatchaman F is the direct sequel to Gatchaman II. In the continuing saga, a surviving fragment of Leader X mutates into Leader Z, ...

Gatchaman Fighter - Gatchaman Wiki

The third and final installment of the original Science Ninja Team Gatchaman series, airing from October 7, 1979 to August 31, 1980 and lasting 48 episodes.

Gatchaman Fighter Dai Hyakka

Pages 65-96: This is Gatchaman Fighter - Includes write ups on all the main characters, their vehicles and their weapons. Monochrome and black and white.

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Gatchaman Fighter, Hisayuki Toriumi

Gatchaman Fighter is the third Gatchaman animated series. It has a darker tone to it when compared to Gatchaman or Gatchaman II. Overall its a great ...


2016年5月22日-旋風小飛俠:旋風斯巴達|5連合體作戰|GatchamanFighter|Gatchaspartan|DXポピニカ5連合体作戦|科学忍者隊ガッチャマンF:ガッチャスパルタン|神勇飛鷹 ...,GatchamanFighterorGatchamanFisthedirectsequeltoGatchamanII.Inthecontinuingsaga,asurvivingfragmentofLeaderXmutatesintoLeaderZ, ...,ThethirdandfinalinstallmentoftheoriginalScienceNinjaTeamGatchamanseries,airingfromOctober7,1979toAugu...